New Year’s Resolutions

Weekly Teaching Tip – Feb. 3, 2014
by Teri Stock

A few months ago a voice teacher, who I consider to be one of the best in the world, contacted me and asked to schedule time with me to learn more about vocal rehabilitation. I was floored and a little paranoid to be honest. I thought maybe he was trying to expose me in some way. I actually started to second guess whether or not I should even meet with him but in the end we did meet. As it turned out he truly wanted to know if I had something different : an exercise, an approach, anything that could make him a better teacher. We had a great interchange. I don’t know if he learned anything from me, but I was taught a great lesson that day. No matter how great or lowly the world may perceive we are we can learn from each other. I also learned that great teachers are always learning and seek knowledge and truth wherever they can find it.

With the new year I am sure some of you have set some teaching goals.

Here are some of the goals I have set for myself this year to become a better teacher.

1. Reread Dean Kaelin’s book “Teaching Great Singing” and complete the education modules. I learn something new every time I read that book.

2. Schedule private lessons with 2 new teachers I have never studied with before.

3. Try at least one new exercise or scale per week.

4. Schedule some observation time with “peer” teachers.

I am so proud and excited to part of this organisation . Whether you are brand new to IVTOM , or been around for awhile I hope you realize every member we have adds to our strength and wisdom. As we all share and participate we become better teachers. I know I have learned so much from all of you and look forward to learning more. The following is a conversation that happened on our private group facebook page!   I found this to be a great forum for learning. Where else do you get to ask a question and have one of the great voice scientists of the world answer!

Sam Johnson

Is the ‘hooty’ or ‘dopey’ sound just lowering the first formant?

Like · · January 24 at 7:13pm

Seen by 44‪Earl Harville‪Amy Baker and ‪Hubert Noé like this.

Hubert Noé YES:in the C4 (HIGH MALE) octave the first formant of the hoot (VOWEL oo) is usually half as high as the first formant of chest (OPEN VOWEL a or ae). MIX is between both. Head or falsetto (the hoot) and chest (the yell) -both dominated by the first for…See More
January 28 at 7:40am · Edited · Unlike · 3

Hubert Noé the dopey sound for me is connected to a “relaxed, heavy and passive” jaw which is advantageous in every register.
January 26 at 3:29pm · Edited · Unlike · 4

Teri Lassetter Stock Thank you ‪Hubert Noé. I was going to answer in my limited understanding. So glad you were willing. You enlighten us continually. Thank-you for your time and willingness to share your brilliance!
January 27 at 5:04pm · Like · 1

Hubert Noé You are welcome. I have added something which helps to clarify.
January 27 at 11:35pm · Edited · Unlike · 1

Hubert Noé The significance of the hoot for voice teaching: going from high chest (F1/H2) to mix (F2/H3) is for most students not easy in one step. The singer must let fall the first formant under the second harmonic by closing the mouth a bit and at the same tim…See More
January 28 at 8:27am · Edited · Like · 3

Sam Johnson Thank you so much ‪Hubert Noé. There’s always so much more to learn.
January 28 at 8:30am · Like · 2

Sam Johnson Would it be possible for F2 to boost H3 while F1 simultaneously boosts the fundamental?
January 28 at 9:03am · Like · 1

Hubert Noé yes, schwa at around B4 with F1 500 Hz and F2 1500 Hz. But it happens more often because in order to get a boost it is enough for a harmonic to be near not to hit exactly
January 28 at 9:27am · Like · 1

Sam Johnson When that occurs does it sound like a really hooty mix? In order to get a beltier sound with a F2/H3 coupling what would have to happen to F1?
January 28 at 9:30am

Hubert Noé chest, soft and strong mix
January 28 at 11:24am · Like · 2

Fernando Zimmermann Thank you, Dr. ‪Hubert! 
January 28 at 11:57am · Like

Matthew Quek Thanks Dr Noe. The challenge now is to know how to hit that zone of heavy mix and to continue being in it.
January 28 at 2:41pm · Like

Earl Harville Thanks so much!!
January 28 at 8:20pm · Like

Hubert Noé with vocal fry on vocevista it is easy to find a vowel with F2 on H3 and F 1 a little closer to H2 than to H1 for strong mix
January 29 at 8:07am · Edited · Like · 1

Matthew Quek The vocal fry is useful and Brett Manning from Singing Success uses it often.
January 29 at 8:18am · Like · 1

Sam Johnson You can really find formant bandwidths just by using vocal fry? For some reason that is the coolest thing to me.
January 29 at 8:30am · Like · 1

Hubert Noé yes but you Need a spectrum analizing Software. Manning uses it to Train the closure ‪Matthew QuekJanuary 30 at 12:01am · Edited · Like · 2

Hubert Noé we also use it to find the suited vowels for a certain pitch because vocal fry has no disturbing harmonics which usually hide the formants on a power spectrum
January 29 at 8:39am · Like · 2

Sam Johnson Is there any suitable substitute for vocevista on Mac or is Parallels still the best option?
January 29 at 8:43am · Edited · Like

Teri Lassetter Stock I have heard you can adapt madde for mac.
January 29 at 9:28am · Like

Hubert Noé No ‪Teri Lassetter Stock But you can use any free spectrum analizer from the net for this easy task
January 29 at 10:58am · Unlike · 2

Matthew Quek Can Vocal fry then be used for actual singing of songs? I tried using it regularly before but soon found that I could not hit the high notes as easily and I began pushing up the chest. I suspect Manning also leaned too much onto it and that is why he does not sing a wide range when he actually sings songs.
January 29 at 2:48pm · Like

Hubert Noé it can be dangerous to overdo working on a longer closed Quotient. Never Combine it with high pressure and very open vowels. A world famous conductor and Sound engineer said to his singers: it must be beautiful. I can make it louder not more beautiful.
January 29 at 11:56pm · Unlike · 4

Matthew Quek So vocal fry is used more for exercises and connection purposes. To use it for singing every phrase and note is going to kill us actually. Thanks Dr Noe 
January 30 at 6:02pm · Like · 1

Teri Lassetter Stock‪Matthew Quek If you use it will very little air blow its fine. It teaches your muscles the correct coordination for the pitch. Too much air blow and fry will kill your voice. Every song can be used as an exercise but you have to do it as an exercise and eliminate the emotion.
January 30 at 7:01pm · Like · 4

Teri Lassetter Stock I would like to clarify is what I refer to as a “high vocal fry” would be more of a light edgy “coup de glotte”.
January 31 at 3:0· Like · 1

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