Accreditation Program

As an accrediting organization, IVTOM provides resources, training, and mentorship to teachers who are committed to learning to sing and teach Mix effectively.  Anyone interested in learning about the voice and how to teach singing can be accepted.

To pursue accreditation, you must become an IVTOM member on the Accredited Track. After you join the Accredited Track and submit your membership application, you will start training with an accredited IVTOM teacher (if you are a new teacher) or a Mentor (if you are an experienced teacher).

All members on the Accredited Track are required to be actively working toward IVTOM Accreditation.  Please see Moving from Accredited Track to Accredited Teacher below for more information.

Once you are an Accredited Teacher, you can list your studio in our directory. IVTOM Accredited Teachers also receive a “Certificate of Accreditation” each year of IVTOM membership.

Moving from Accredited Track to Accredited Teacher

Watch this one minute video that sums up the process!

The first focus is on developing his or her own voice, since the first requirement is the ability to demonstrate Mix.  This is accomplished by studying with an IVTOM Accredited teacher on a regular basis, usually weekly or bi-weekly. During this period, the Accredited Track member is expected to study the training material on the IVTOM website and attend IVTOM teacher trainings, workshops and conferences.

An Accredited Track member who has little or no teaching experience will enter the Student Teacher Program and study with an accredited IVTOM teacher.  After completing the Student Teacher Program, the member may apply to work with a Mentor.

Not all members on the Accredited Track need to enter the Student Teacher Program.  A member who has been teaching for a minimum of six months with at least five students per week is eligible to apply for acceptance to work with a Mentor.  

The Accredited Track member will work with 2 different Mentors consecutively who will prepare them to be able to pass the requirements of Accreditation, which are; to demonstrate Mix in his/her own voice, teach effective Mix voice lessons, and complete the Written Evaluation containing essential information regarding vocal function,  physiology and acoustics.

When you and your mentor have decided you’re ready to take the test, please email Sam Johnson at

More information on the the Mentorship program and the process of accreditation here.