Ivtom Resources

Weekly Teaching Tip – May 26, 2014
by Teri Stock

As I thought about what I could write about today that was profound and interesting , I thought it might be time to review some of resources IVTOM already has that you may not know about, so I will entitle this little teaching tip, “Did You Know”?

DID YOU KNOW that www.IVTOM.org has a repertoire file of great songs in all genres that encourage mix? YOU can also add songs that might not be on there!

DID YOU KNOW that all teacher tips are archived and categorized? YOU can add you own thoughts and ideas on the website!

DID YOU KNOW there is a video archive of lessons on different voice types? YOU can also add lessons here for everyone to learn from!

DID YOU KNOW IVTOM has an education committee? They have created the first education module based on Dean’s book “Teaching Good Singing”. There are numerous videos attached to each chapter.
It is REQUIRED review for each associate who wants to become a full member but I would encourage everyone to look at it and review it. There are more modules in the works!

DID YOU KNOW one of the benefits of being a FULL member to IVTOM is you are listed on the Find a Teacher search? With this in mind we have created a separate website FindAMixTeacher.com website that directs potential students back to our home website. As Mary Ann and I have created original content for our public page we have included FindAMixTeacher.com on all of it that directs potential students back to our home website. As Mary Ann and I have created original content for our public page we have included FindAMixTeacher.com on all of it. If you have not seen any of it Go to our public page (IVTOM International Voice Teachers of Mix website) and take a look. Each time one of those “posts” are shred you are advertising for yourself and the organization!
Here is an example of a post. It is its own teaching tip!


DID YOU KNOW our public page just reached a milestone of over 2000 likes! If you have not already done so please take a moment and” like” the page.

DID YOU KNOW we have great discussions on our private Facebook page? You can ask questions and search content. The search button is located at the top left corner right under the banner or cover photo. If you want a specific prson to answer your question, just put their name and click the highlighted name when it appears. that should alert them that you have requested their attention.

I hope this highlights some of the benefits you may be missing!

I would also like to personally welcome MARK BAXTER to our already distinguished assembly of advisors at IVTOM! Take a moment to check out his videos on YouTube. They are great!

I hope you have a great week and if you did not like this teaching tip, next week is just around the corner. Isn’t it great!

Teri Stock

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