Finding Your Beginning by Agata Pisko
Finding Your Beginning by Agata Pisko
August 19, 2019
As a teacher and performer I have often moments of doubt.
Moments when I ask myself: What is it that you really want?
Sometimes I do not know.
The best thing in such a moment is to ask yourself if there is anybody you know that you
admire, somebody who does the things you have always wanted to do. What is it about this
person you admire? What are the things they do, you want in your life?
Write them down. Cut out pictures from magazines to give you a better idea. Be precise. Make a clear and colorful concept.
Then close the book you have written it down. Give it a rest.
And then, when you are ready, think of the very first step you may take to start. In order to be at the place you want to be.
I wish you all the best!
Agata Pisko
Graz, Austria