Audition songs

Hi all – I’m looking for an audition song (32 bar cut) for a 10-year-old boy who is auditioning for the role of Chip in a high school production of Beauty and the Beast. His usable range is G3-G5 and the director “wants to hear high notes.”  I have several shelves of musical theatre rep, but not much for boys this young.  Any suggestions would be most gratefully received.  Thank you!

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  1. Hi Mary Ann: Here are some ideas for songs for young boys.
    1. Nothing’s going to harm you (Not While I’m Around) Sweeny Todd
    2. Round Shouldered Man Secret Garden
    3. Where is love Oliver
    4. Consider yourself Oliver
    5. Gary Indiana Music Man
    6. I want to know what love is Big
    Some other ideas might be: Notice me, Horton (Sussical); Arnold, An Only Child, The Ant Song (Children’s letters to God).

  2. Off the top of my head I would think anything from “Oliver” would be great. “Consider Yourself”, “I’d Do Anything”, “Food, Glorious Food” would all work.

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